Starting in August, book reviewers and purchasers getting eBooks from sources outside of the Amazon store offerings should go for EPUB files, not MOBI. So what does this mean? For the rest of the month and going into July, nothing. Fortunately for me I keep all of the eBook files sent to me in the cloud, so I can, but I predict many ebook owners are going to be hung out to dry on this issue as Amazon still does not allow you to download your document files from your Devices and Content library. The email also advised that while MOBI and AZW files already in your library will continue to open, if you want to take full advantage of Kindle features, you should convert to EPUB and re-upload once this change takes effect. For now, I’ve re-sent myself the MOBI file. I guess we don’t have that option anymore while Amazon makes this transition. Next I sent the EPUB with the email subject line “CONVERT” which is supposed to accept other eBook formats and convert to Kindle’s preferred format. The answer is no, the send failed 30 minutes later. I removed that MOBI from my library, converted to EPUB, and sent it again just to see if maybe Send to Kindle has already been updated. Starting in August 2022 the preferred format for Kindle will be EPUB.Any MOBI/AZW files already in your library will still exist and will still open, but may not have all features available as mentioned above.Newer software features on Kindle devices and in the Kindle app will not work for these files.

mobi eARC file an author sent me and I got an automated email from the Amazon service department informing me that: Hello everyone! If you’re like me and get your eBooks from sources other than Amazon all the time but prefer to read on a Kindle device or using the Kindle app, then you’re probably familiar with the Send to Kindle service where you email the book file to your Amazon address.