Hannibal Season 2 used this to great effect, and the sophomore year of Breaking Bad used a consistent presence of mysterious images to keep the level of mystery high without giving away really anything. There are effective ways to do it, of course. It shows you have no faith in your script’s beginning, that you think it’s slow, so you cheaply inject an action sequence or gun pull from later in the script to the top of the bill. It’s artificial tension, usually something obviously telegraphed and is almost always completely unnecessary. The In Media Res opening followed by a title card saying “Sucha Sucha Time Period Earlier” is one of the most consistently lazy ways to open a screenplay. I started off “Enter Zoom” a little disappointed in The Flash. Light to set a trap for Zoom Barry decides he really likes making out with Patty. Send us a direct message via Twitter or Instagram or email via our contact form.Synopsis of 2×06: Team Flash uses Linda’s resemblance to Dr. Imagery at higher zoom levels © Microsoft. Labels and map data © OpenStreetMap contributors. Radar data via RainViewer is limited to areas with radar coverage, and may show anomalies. Weather forecast maps use the latest data from the NOAA-NWS GFS model. Imagery is captured at approximately 10:30 local time for “AM” and 13:30 local time for “PM”. HD satellite images are updated twice a day from NASA-NOAA polar-orbiting satellites Suomi-NPP, and MODIS Aqua and Terra, using services from GIBS, part of EOSDIS. Heat source maps show the locations of wildfires and areas of high temperature using the latest data from FIRMS and InciWeb. Tropical storm tracks are created using the latest forecast data from NHC, JTWC, NRL and IBTrACS. Blue clouds at night represent low-lying clouds and fog. EUMETSAT Meteosat images are updated every 15 minutes.Ĭity lights at night are not real-time. Live weather images are updated every 10 minutes from NOAA GOES and JMA Himawari-8 geostationary satellites. Explore beautiful interactive weather forecast maps of wind speed, pressure, humidity, and temperature. Watch LIVE satellite images with the latest rainfall radar. Track tropical storms, hurricanes, severe weather, wildfires and more. Zoom Earth visualizes the world in real-time.